We think your January issue is important. After the parties and presents and feasts of Christmas, many people begin the New Year with some reluctance. If their Christmas was great, they won’t want to go back to ‘normal life’. If their Christmas was difficult, they will go back to normal life even more tired than when Christmas started….
Either way, it is an important month for your magazine to offer good cheer, and some positive ways of looking ahead to 2020. Our LOOKING AT GOD section has a number of such articles for you to choose from.
We also have lots of stories on offer from the wider church to the wider community, including the 50th anniversary of Bridge Over Troubled Water!
You will notice something new in the NEWS section – we are hoping to bring you regular stories from not just the Anglicans this year, but also the Baptists, Methodists, Church in Wales, Church of Scotland, and other Churches.
Finally, a new year can bring other new things. Is there something which you would like Parish Pump to consider offering each month which we are not currently doing? Please do not hesitate to contact us – we love to hear from you.
Warm wishes for all your busy Christmas preparation!
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team