Spring is here at last! The daffodils are everywhere, and soon their golden trumpets will herald the return of life and light and warmth. They are good companions for us during Lent, reminding us of the inexpressible joy that lies ahead of us, both on Easter Sunday morning, and also one day beyond the grave.

With the great sacrifice of Good Friday in mind, look out for our artwork on The Stations of the Cross this month. Francesca Ross has produced memorable graphics which would be well worth you down-loading in full, for use in years to come.
Also, we are happy to announce a few more things:
New search feature on this site:
This is great news to all of you who have ever searched our site for either a graphic or something editorial. Now when you want to search for something, you can decide to narrow it to EITHER graphics OR editorial – which should save you lots of time. Click here to try it out: New Search Page
Facemask graphics for you:

In response to your requests, we have produced a number of graphics of vicars and churchwardens wearing facemasks. Hope they will bring a smile to your magazine!
Children’s activity pages:
During lockdown, many of you have wanted more material for young children. Have you tried Mouse Makes Studio on Etsy? It is owned and run by Deborah Noble, our very own Mouse Makes lady, and she offers a variety of material off of her Etsy page. Please visit: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MouseMakesStudio.

We wish you a happy March, and that the vaccine programme reaches you very soon, if it has not done so already. It is indeed a time of hope, a time for new life. Bring on the daffodils!
Warm wishes from Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team