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Found 8 resource(s) in 'News', for March 2025.
News (all stories) for March 2025
Bishop of Goma calls on Christians to pray for peace Top of the World Watch List for 2025 How do we find the next Archbishop of Canterbury? House of Bishops decides to ‘update’ Synod in July, but without any vote Comment on the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme announcement Hundreds of churches are part... (1797 words)Bishop of Goma calls on Christians to pray for peace
Amid the ongoing violent conflict between M23 rebels and Congolese forces in Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC], Martin Gordon, the Bishop of Goma and Church Mission Society (CMS) mission partner, has shared ‘The Goma Call for Peace’. He urges the international community to act immediately and decisively for peace in Eastern DRC. In... (203 words)Top of the World Watch List for 2025
Where in the world is it most dangerous to be a Christian? The answer is found in the recently published World Watch List. It is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the top 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. This year it is North Korea. Again. For North Korea has been Number One... (234 words)How do we find the next Archbishop of Canterbury?
It is not a simple process. And now Stephen Knott, The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments, has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury. He writes: “The Canterbury Diocese ‘Vacancy in See’ process commenced in December and, late last year, it was announced... (397 words)House of Bishops decides to ‘update’ Synod in July, but without any vote
The House of Bishops met recently to review updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups, presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity of the proposed changes, the Bishops agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals will be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to... (137 words)Comment on the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme announcement
The Bishop of Bristol, Viv Faull, and the Bishop of Ramsbury, Andrew Rumsey, who are the Church of England’s joint lead bishops on church buildings, have welcomed the recent announcement of the 12-month extension to the Listed Places of Worship Grant scheme. They said: “We are pleased that this will bring temporary relief to many... (195 words)Hundreds of churches are part of networks offering ‘warm spaces’ to people
This past winter the Church of England has provided warm spaces for people struggling to pay energy bills. The C of E has been offering not just a refuge from the cold, but in many cases, food, activities and a chance to make friends and be part of a community. A total of 485 Church... (179 words)Church of England launches Flourishing Leaders Framework
The C of E has launched what it calls “a bold new vision” for its Education sector, the Flourishing Leaders Programmes. The Programmes will aim to provide “a bold, hope-filled vision for flourishing children, educators, and school communities.” The hope is to address systemic challenges through a focus on purpose, relationships, resources, learning, and wellbeing.... (150 words)
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