Isn’t it great to have church life picking up again, after this past year of uncertainty and closure? We hope that your magazine can also resume regular service!
Of course, your magazine may not be quite what it was before, but there is the ‘new normal’ to discover and enjoy. Your magazine can still be a Christian voice in your community.
And soon you can discover more about the ‘new normal’ for everything to do with church life, if you are able to visit the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Racecourse in Esher in October. We are offering free tickets for the event – just look at the slider on our home page.
Finally – we still have some copies of the Letters of Uncle Eustace left. They were £5.95, but are now going for only £2 each, plus P&P. Why not buy some in, and sell them at your church’s coffee mornings, or use them as stocking fillers this Christmas? Just email me at editor@parishpump.co.uk
With warm wishes
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team