The month of Remembrance may be especially poignant this year.
War in the Middle East is spreading rapidly, while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grinds on, and Sudan’s civil war causes widespread famine. Throughout the world, millions of people’s lives are being turned upside down, with no hope of peace and security in sight.
It is indeed a time for Christians everywhere to pray for peace, based on justice and mercy.
It also a time to remember the victims of many natural disasters this year; from hurricanes, typhoons and disastrous floods, to wildfires and extreme drought. Charities working among these suffering need our support.
But 24th November, the Sunday of Christ the King, reminds us that this world with its evil and unfairness will not be allowed to go on forever. Jesus Christ has overcome death and will return to us one day. And HIS Kingdom will be one of justice and righteousness, with no more tears, and He will reign forever. Amen!
May the Lord bless you and keep you, amid any personal uncertainties you may be facing.
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team