Several years ago, the Peterborough Column of the Daily Telegraph delightedly reported on a little sign that someone had spotted over a church door in rural Cheshire.
It ran:
‘This is the house of God. This is the gate of heaven. (This door is locked in winter months.)
Well, our churches are still the house of God, and hopefully this Christmas their doors will NOT be locked, but instead wide open.

Let’s welcome everyone who wants to join our celebration of the best news the world has ever known – that God sent his Son into the world to die for us, so that we could call God our Father, too. What can be better news than that?
In the absence of any angels flying over your church, your magazine can play a critical role in getting the message out this month. And we can help you – we offer numerous Christmas-themed articles which clearly explain the true meaning of Christmas.
Why not print off a few dozen extra copies of your magazine this month, and distribute them more widely around your community? Aim to get them into the hands of people who don’t usually come to church. You could try placing them in local shops, the post office, and businesses.
Finally, why not spend some time in praying for your community? It has been a difficult year for so manty of us, and we all need to know the truth God is indeed there, that He loves us, and that the birth of Jesus changed the course of human history.
May the peace and joy of Christ be with you this month, as you work hard to prepare this most happy and joyful of magazine issues for 2021.
With warm wishes
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team